Data Importing Template in Version 2024_1

How To Download An Excel Template From Good Sign For Importing

 Required User Rights


To be able to import organizations, you’ll need at least the following user rights:

  •  3589 Menu – Interfaces
  •  3589 Edit Interface

Using A Template to Import Data

To ensure that data is imported to Good Sign correctly, using an Excel template file is recommended. To locate the template:

  1.  Go to Interfaces > Interfaces.
  2.  Click on the icon in the first column next to the importer you wish to use.
  3.  Click the Template tab under Object Target Action.
  4.  Scroll to the end of the scroll bar.
  5.  Click Export.
  6.  Click Current page to Excel.

You’ll now have an Excel template sheet for importing data into Good Sign.

Filling Out The Template


It’s recommended that you use the actual names of the objects in question. E.g., when using organization import, it’s recommended to fill in the parent_organization field instead of just the parent_org ID. This ensures that the hierarchy and structure of the data will be correct.

After completing the template, save the file in a location that makes it easy to upload to Good Sign.