How To View Organization Details in Version 2023_1

How to Use the Organization Details Dashboard

Required User Rights

To be able to use this dashboard, you’ll need the following user rights: 3550 Menu – Organization Details.

Organization Details

Organization Details contains all organization data including invoicing information. It can be filtered and sorted in many ways, e.g., what invoicing language, payment term or country is used.


Figure 1: Navigating to Organization Details

Navigate to the Organization Details page from the toolbar under Administration. This will open a view where all organizations and their details are listed. The list view is quite wide so you will have to scroll to the left to see all the columns. The organizations shown are dependent of the organizations that is activated in the organization tree on the left.

In this view you can customize the columns. You can’t, however, edit the information. Editing organization is possible from the organization tree on the right by right clicking the desired organization and choosing Edit Organization. For that function, please refer to the separate user guide “How To Use Organizations”.

Adding organization is also possible from the organization tree on the right by right clicking the desired organization and choosing Add Organization. For that function, please refer to the separate user guide “How To Use Organizations”.

For more information about the use of the grid, you can refer to the “How To Manage The Good Sign Grid” guide.

Figure 2: Editing Organization Details