Invoice Monitoring

Helps to check if all is looking good in invoicing

This chapter introduces the Invoice Monitoring dashboard and its functionalities. It explains how to use the dashboard to monitor invoicing activities, identify anomalies, and ensure everything is running smoothly. You will learn how to navigate the dashboard, interpret the data, and customize the monitoring levels to suit your needs.

Required User Rights

  • 3176 Menu - Invoice Monitoring (to view)
  • 3175 Menu - Invoice Monitoring Alert levels (to edit alert levels)

About The Invoice Monitoring Dashboard

The Invoice Monitoring dashboard helps users responsible for invoicing to have a good overall view of the system status and it can help spot anomalies in interfaces, charges, and invoices. This view helps to identify situations, where something is out of the ordinary in a simple, color-coded way.

The invoice monitoring dashboard offers a single dashboard, with traffic light styling, so that you can immediately see a summary of the desired time frame in interfaces, charges, and invoicing. The full functionality consists of the organization tree (providing the option to filter data on organization level) and a dashboard which has two tabs; one for viewing the data (Invoice Monitoring) and one for maintaining the used calculation levels (Monitoring Levels).

The parameters can even be set manually, so that you can survey your invoicing data easily and as precisely as you like.

How To Use Invoice Monitoring

The Invoice Monitoring dashboard can be found under Reporting (provided you have one or both of the required user rights)


Figure 1: Finding Invoice Monitoring in the Navigation

The dashboard consists of a monitoring view of three main segments: Interfaces, Charges, and Invoices. Each section provides more detailed information from More details, and Charges and Invoices can be drilled down even further.


Figure 2: Invoice Monitoring Dashboard

The Invoice Monitor can be used to search data by selecting one of the predefined periods or by manually selecting your own with Start date and End date fields.


Figure 3: Period selection


The Interfaces section provides an overview of your Interfaces and highlights errors:


Figure 4: Interfaces section of the dashboard


Charges section gives you a summary of the charges created for the selected time period, and More details displays a product category level details (which can be viewed either in Grid or Chart format)


Figure 5: Charges section of the dashboard

By selecting one of the Product categories in the list, you can drill down to product level information:


Figure 6: Sample view


The Invoices tab shows the overall situation regarding invoices. For example, what has been the invoicing average per currency the previous 3 months.

By selecting More details and choosing the invoicing currency you wish to investigate, you can see the customer level information for the selected time period.


Figure 7: Invoices view

Monitoring Levels

Organization selection allows customizing, whether the same monitoring levels would be applied for the whole organization hierarchy or if there are different ones for another organization or organization hierarchy. However, for the sake of clarity, it is recommended to keep the same values for all.

Setting tells which of the three segments is being adjusted and value is percentages. In the image below you see the default values.

Examples on how to interpret settings:

  • Interface alerts as yellow if more than 95 percent of interfaces are running ok and have no issues.
  • Charges alert as red if the money amount on charges is 20% less (-20) or 20% (20) more than in the last two months
  • Invoices alert as yellow if the sum differs maximum of 10% (+ or -) of the three month average


Figure 8: Monitoring levels view