One-Time Fee Contract Module in Version 2022_2

What are one-time fees in contracts and how to use them

This user guide is about One-Time Fees in the Good Sign Contract Module. After reading this guide, you’ll have a basic understanding of one-time fees and how to add them to your contracts.

Required User Rights

To be able to use these operations, you’ll need at least the following user right: 3150 Menu – Contracts. 

One-Time Fees

A One-Time Fee is one of the charging models in Good Sign Contract Module. Charging models are found under Contracts and Contract Lines. Other charging models are Usage-Based Fees, Recurring Base Fees, and Work Invoicing. These will be discussed in other user guides. 

One-Time Fees are fees that occur only once and are shown on a contract. For example, a printer company sells a service initiation that includes delivery, printer setup and 30 min on-site training and it​ costs 250,00 €.

The One-Time Fee is billed arrears or for the current month. The quantity can be entered manually in Good Sign. There is no typical frequency of changes in quantity. The pricing model that is used with One-Time Fees is Unit.

A one-time fee is formed only once, and the charge is generated depending on the contract line’s Valid From date. A charge is generated when a new one-time fee contract line is entered with a Valid From date that has occurred a maximum of three months ago, or hasn’t occurred yet, and after the Valid From date has passed. A practical use case of a future charge is a milestone charge, that you know will be charged and invoiced in the future. You can enter it in advance so that it will not be forgotten. And you can change it until the charge is created, for instance if there is a delay.

Figure 1: Contract Lines dashboard


Charging models are used when creating a new contract line. To create a new contract line, choose an organization and a contract. Then select Management > New Contract Line.

Figure 2: Management menu in the top-right corner


After pressing New Contract Line, a pop-up window appears where one can select the preferred Profile (Charging model) for the Contract Line.

Figure 3: Choosing a Contract Model Profile
Figure 4: Contract line view for One-Time Fees


There are no mandatory fields, but below is a table of the most used fields and their descriptions. After filling the needed fields, press Save.


Field Description
Contract Line Valid From The date from when the service was used
Product The product that is wanted to be charged from this contract line
Quantity Quantity of service products to be included in the service (Here, we are using a service product called Monthly Base Fee. We have set it up in the Product Catalog. A logical quantity for a monthly base fee is 1.


Tip: If you want to add a new service, you can add it to the product catalog and then to the contract lines

Note: After the needed fields have been filled, an automatic charge will be made the next morning at 6 am Finnish time (assuming that the contract, contract line and price are valid at the time)