User Rights & User Right Profiles in Version 2023_2

How To Manage User Rights & User Right Profiles

Required User Rights 

In order to maintain profiles or individual login’s user rights you need at least the following access:

  •  3531 Menu – Users.
  •  2334 Auth User Management – Right profiles
  •  2335 Auth User Management – User Rights
  •  3544 Report – User Right Report

User Right Profiles

User Right Profiles allow you to edit the individual user rights within user right profiles and change the name of the user right profiles. To manage User Right Profiles, go to: Administration > Users > Management Menu > User Right Profiles.

User Rights Within a Profile

To add a user right to a profile, select the user right from the Right dropdown menu and click Add. You can also type the name or number of the user right into the field. You can only add user rights which haven’t been added to the selected profile yet.

To remove a user right from a profile, select the user right from the Members grid and click Delete.

Profile Members

Figure 1: Profile Members

Changing a User Right Profile’s Name

To change the name of the profile, select a Profile from drop down list, change the Description and press Save. At the moment, adding or copying a profile is recommended to be done by contacting Good Sign.

User Right Profiles
Figure 2 User Right Profiles

User Right Maintenance

Although it’s technically possible, it is not recommended to add profiles into profiles (for maintenance reasons). Adding individual user rights to a login user is also possible, but this should only be done in special circumstances (for maintenance reasons).

User Rights

The User Rights service allows you to maintain which user rights each login user has. To manage User Rights, go to: Administration > Users > Management Menu > User Rights.

It is highly recommended that user rights are generally maintained through profiles, meaning that each login user gets their access from a profile. Ideally, this means that each user has just two rights defined:

  •  User right 0, Home Organization:
    •  Required for every login user, defining the highest level of access the user has in the organization tree.
    •  Each user can only have one.
  •  A profile suited to the user’s needs.
 User rights in manage login

Figure 3: Manage Login > User rights


Each user right provided to a login user must be tied to an organization (see your organization tree on various dashboards), due to the hierarchical nature of user rights.

For more information about logins, see the User & Login Management guide.

Maintaining User Rights

After selecting the login from the Username field, you will see the User Rights below.

Here you can add or remove user rights from a login.

User rights

Figure 4: User rights


To add a user right:

  • Select the Organization you wish to grant the right in.
  • Select a Right by either:
    • Scrolling for the right
    • Writing the name of the right into the field
    • Writing the code of the right into the field
  • Click Add

To remove a user right:

  •  Select the row you wish to delete from the grid.
    •  Click Delete

Tip: If you wish to empty the Organization field, you can do so by clicking the button next to the field. This will also show you the user rights that have been granted for the login.

Helpful Reports

There are two reports that can be very useful when maintaining user rights: User Rights Report By User, and User Rights Report By Organization. These can be accessed from the Reports dashboard.